《Reaching with Love 爱心行动 6.0》
在月末的星期日(2019/01/27)的早上11点正,松涛国际慈善基金会将带着爱心人士所捐赠的物品亲自送到 友善残障福利中心。我们希望能在新年期间也能让他们感受到温暖,让他们知道他们并不孤单,也让他们知道世界是充满着浓浓的爱意。有可能你付出的一份心意会帮助他们能够衣食无忧。让我们开始做起吧,让这份爱心能一直传递下去。 有意尽一份心意或者欲参与的善长人翁,可以联系Mr Khoo 017-5988270 (Wechat ID: KhooCH86)
《Reaching with Love 6.0》
International Song Tao Charity Foundation will be organizing fundraising to buy groceries and basic daily needs for Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak-anak Yatim dan OKU Mesra, Petaling Jaya. In this new year, we hope to bring joy and happiness to less fortunate children by providing basic needs for them in terms of foods and daily needs.
We will be visiting these children on 27/1/2019 (Sunday), 11am. Feel free to join us and let’s spread the love around.
If you would like to make a contribution or want to participate for this good cause, kindly contact Mr.Khoo 017-5988270 (Wechat ID: KhooCH86)