If any of you would like to contribute some donation for our activities and events, you could support us by,
1. Crossed Cheque
「Payable to“Yayasan Kebajikan Song Tao Antarabangsa"」
2. Bank in to「Public Bank A/c: 3-2109055-33」
3. Please inform us about your donation send the bank-in-slip to us by email to「finance@songtaofoundation.net」or Whatsapp Unice Li Ting at +6018 2110 888.
If you wish to speak to someone before making your donation, please call our Public Relations Officer - Color at +6018 272 6666 (Monday-Friday, 10:00am – 5:00pm local time).
Be part of our caring act. Let's spread the love around 💓💓💓
1. 请在支票/汇票「抬头填写 “Yayasan Kebajikan Song Tao Antarabangsa" 」
2. 请汇入户口号码 「 Public Bank: 3-2109055-33 」
3. 为及时了解捐款是否已收到,请您在汇款后及时与我们确认,您可以通过邮件「finance@songtaofoundation.net」、并信息「 +6018 2110 888」通知我们捐款金额、汇款日期和您的联系方式。
有关捐助方式,我们接受每月捐款,一次性捐款, 及松涛国际慈善基金会的事务询问,请于办公时间:星期一至星期五(不包括公共假期) 上午10点至下午5点,联系松涛国际慈善基金会宣传部 - 缤纷小姐 +6018 272 6666 以了解更多详情,谢谢!
我们衷心感激你们对慈善的关爱, 松涛国际慈善基金会在此向各位善长仁翁表示深深的谢意!
To raise funds for our charities actions,
we specially designed a Charity Set for your purchase.
These Limited Edition Charity Set consist of:
2018 Calendar
Non Woven Bag