" Your Blood Can Give A Life to Someone "
Come join our blood donation and health event on this 26th September 2018 (Wednesday), 9.00am - 4.30pm at Sunway University.
Besides blood donation, we will be having health check ups as well. Don't miss out this event, come and join us and save your date for us!!
#blooddonation #savelife
#Blood Donation Campaign 爱心捐血活动 1.0
在 2018/09/28(星期五),我们联合双威大学学生自愿团体 Sunway Student Volunteers在 Art Gallery @ Sunway University College 一起举办的捐血活动。
报名截止日期为 2018/09/17(星期一),过了截止日期也依然欢迎你当天亲临我们的活动现场捐血。
Color 018 - 272 6666 (Wechat ID: color_pang)