《Reaching with Love 爱心行动4.0》
有意赞助此活动的善长人翁,可以联系我们的活动长 Mr Khoo 017 -598 8270 (微信号: KhooCH86)。
In this upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival on 2018/09/17, International Song Tao Charity Foundation will be having an early celebration of Mid-Autumn Festival with the children of『Persatuan Rumah Sayangan』. We will be having dinner and games session with them.
We want the children to feel warm and let them know that they are not alone and the world is still full of love. We were greatly encouraged when we saw the cute smiles of the children. It can be said that even your donation of a dollar also helps in giving warmth for these children. Let's spread the love ❤ together!!!
For more information about this event, you may contact, Mr. Khoo at 017-5988270 (Wechat ID: KhooCH86)