关爱大自然3.0之大自然清理活动 A Step Closer To Nature 3.0


如今越来越喧嚣的城市中,我们一边享受着现代化科技带来的种种便利,但也承受着巨大的、节奏快到令人窒息的工作、生活压力,忍受着种种城市病。 我们总觉得只有暂时逃离城市走进田野,身心才能得到放松。当我们置身于大自然之中,目睹葱茏的翠绿色时,在清理杂物之时……心情会得到极大的安抚和放松。

《 关爱大自然3.0之大自然清理活动活动 》



Nowadays, we tend to enjoy the conveniences of modern technology, but work for living under stress and suffering from numerous city-diseases. We always wanted a temporary escape from the city and get closer to the nature, for we can be physically and mentally relaxed. Especially when we are surrounding by the mother nature seeing the green environment while cleaning the nature environment...

《A Step Closer To Nature 3.0》 .~ Environmental Cleaning ~.
Date: 30 September 2018 (Sunday)
Time : 9 : 00 a.m.- 11 : 00 a.m.
Venue : Frasers Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

For those who are interested in participating or support us financially for this good cause, you may contact Mr.Khoo for more information. Thank you.